The Emotion & body Code Process
“The subconscious mind is 1000 times more powerful than your conscious mind”
-Tor Norretranders
Digestive trouble
Hormonal issues
Chronic discomfort
Organ function
Emotional distress
Negative self-image
Reliving bad experiences
Learning problems
Joint problems
Muscle soreness
Night terrors
Sleep issues
Resolve physical discomfort
Ease emotional wounds
Restore love to relationships
Break cycles of self-sabotage
Weight and food issues
Sinus trouble
And much more
This is when trauma triggers your, heart to make an energetic barrier for protection. Sadly this can act as a filter for other emotions in and out. With a heart wall, some find it hard to fully express one’s self or even create rooted relationships.
These are emotions you experienced from your birth to this day.
These trapped emotions are genetically given to you by your biological mother or father. They can go back several generations. Some from hundreds of years ago.
Absorbed trapped emotions are just as they sound. You are so close to a person that you took on the emotion as if it was your own.
Shared trapped emotions occurs when a group of people experience a traumatic event together.
Yes! Our animal friends can suffer from trapped emotions as well. We treat them in a similar way to humans.
An advanced wellness method developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson. It’s built on the premise that true health comes from being balanced in 6 different ways:
The Body Code™ uses simple energy work
designed to remove potentially damaging
emotional and mental energies.
Circuitry systems like chakras, acupuncture
meridians, energy circuits of the organs and
glands, and the body/spirit connection.
The Body Code™ is intended to identify and
address possible harmful toxins that may not
show up on traditional tests.
This process is designed to help identify
potentially destructive, elusive pathogens so
they can be corrected.
The Body Code™ can help pinpoint
imbalances in bones, organs, muscles,
nerves, connective tissues and gently
correct them.
Lifestyle imbalances can be identified for
areas like nutrient deficiencies, dehydration,
activities, or the need for body work.