Subscriptions & Community
Gratitude $15 level
weekly prompts- Each week a prompt will be posted. Subscribers and reflect privately or share thoughts in the comments section.
Blog posts- information is power. This will be an ongoing feed of interesting info, articles, studies, and more.
Gaia links- links to interesting interviews, documentaries and programs. Members can request topics they would like to learn more about.
Free consults- subscribers will have a code that will give access to 10 minute consults up to 2 times a month. Consults are to review the best kind of session to schedule or if you are self pulling trapped emotions and have questions.
Bi-weekly Q&A and Demos- This will be a more private setting for subscribers only. We will learn about emotion, body and belief coding. Depending on group size we will try to do one put per person. More if time allows.
Inspired $25 level
Monthly group call- This will be a time to reflect on prompt, inner work, self healing work, encourage and listen to others.
Book Club- each month a book will be chosen. Titles available via library or second head will be prioritised.
Wisdom Wednesday- Posts with words that make you say Mmmmm. Quotes , poetry, and philosophy. Posted every wednesday. Subscribers can request topics for future weeks.
+Everything in the lower level
Curiosity $50 level
30 Minute Session- This can be used for a body scan session or combine 2 months and do a 60 minute session. Body scan sessions are primarily used to check physical aches, pains, or illness using the body code. Normally done in conjunction with medical care. If one chooses to take the 60 min bi-monthly option those can be used for emotion or body code sessions.
30% off and single emotion or body code session. This can be combine with the 30 min session
Example: A 60 min session after the 30% off would be $63 add the 30min sub credit and you would get a 90 min session for $113. This gives you a small savings plus all of the benefits of a subscriber.
+Everything in the lower level
Courageous $100 level
60 Minute Session- This can be used for emotion or body code and you may combine with the 30 minute session from the level below.
50% off 1 additional single 60 or 90 min session each month
+Everything in the lower level
Make a donation.
Never expected but very appreciated. Donations help keep the community free and open to all.